I think we all can relate to a feeling of sadness when something comes to an end. Sometimes it can even happen when we are just on the periphery as an observer and not really a part of it. I had this feeling last Friday as I watched our girls basketball team be eliminated from the state playoffs. As you probably know by now, I love the game of basketball and the joy it can bring to people who are playing and watching. I had the chance to see almost every game our girls played this year, and it was sad to have it come to an end.
I think another part of this for me as an administrator of the school is the way in which our girls represented themselves and Valley. I don't think we could be more proud of our girls; their effort, attitude, and sportsmanship was unparalleled throughout the season. They were a very talented team that played hard, played well and respected their opponents, the officials and everyone in the gym each time they stepped onto the court.
Luke 12:48 finishes with this thought, "... When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required." These are lofty words from Jesus. I know there are times we all fall short in this area. We may feel a little entitled by our success or position. That was something I never saw from our girls this year. I want to take this one last chance to say thank you to the Flames Girls Basketball Team for giving all of us a wonderful season and for the way they represented all of us throughout this season. Well done!