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  • Writer's pictureJean Hodgson

Mrs. Anna Kempf

Now in her 5th year on the staff at Valley Lutheran, Anna Kempf currently teaches Sophomore Theology, Foundations of Christianity, Advanced P.E., and Freshman P.E. When asked to describe her previous journey within the field of education, these are the details she shared:

My first job was teaching at an elementary school in Honolulu, Hawaii. I taught 3rd grade, 4th grade, and kindergarten. I also was the varsity volleyball coach at the Lutheran high school around the corner. Then after five years we moved to Southern California where I taught Sophomore Theology, Freshman P.E., and Health at Orange Lutheran High School. I also coached volleyball and taught there with my husband Mark for 10 years. I then went back to teaching elementary classes where I taught 3rd grade and kindergarten.

Mr. and Mrs. Kempf have three children, two of them here in Phoenix. Her mother-in-law lives with them and is 93 years old. But Mrs. Kempf also describes the culture at Valley as being much like a family that is a very caring, supportive, and nurturing place to work. She says she loves that she can talk about Jesus and pray with her students every day, and that focus is evident in this feedback from one of her students, “I enjoy her devotions and way of teaching because she helps me understand the Bible better. I have learned a lot from her including what to do with your life, go to God for help, and pray to Him for guidance.”

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